Faith Thrives When Hope Dies
Are you struggling with hopelessness and helplessness due to the negative circumstances that are an inevitable part of living in our sin-filled world? Look up!
When hope in earthly and human sources die, faith thrives—IF, by faith, we accept the reality that God is Sovereign and the only source of true hope. Among other things, He has promised to love us unconditionally, to redeem us from sin, to never leave or forsake us, to guide and direct our lives, and to continually be with us.
No earthly leader, person, possession, or self-effort can bring enduring and lasting hope. The only real hope we have is that which is ours through the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within the heart of each genuine Christ-follower. And too often we do not discover that hope until earthly dependencies fail us or prove unreliable. True hope can be ours when earthly hope is gone.
Throughout the Bible are promises that cover every conceivable situation in life, and it is in claiming and trusting these promises that we discover stronger faith amid loss and unbearable or tragic circumstances. The hope, that is the by-product of God’s gift of faith, is a treasure to embrace and proclaim.
Find true hope in His promises today as you read and meditate on His Word.
My newest book, Reflections on God's Promises, is now available through Amazon in two formats. The premium version offers a higher print quality, while the less expensive version includes the same content in standard print. I have also created a journal to accompany this book, with new poems and blank pages to record your own reflections on the promises you discover in God’s Word. Together, the book and journal make an excellent gift for an experienced or budding 'journal' writer. Contact me to learn more or to request discounted pricing for multiple copies.
While the world is filled with uncertainty,
Of one thing we can be sure,
Almighty God has not abandoned us,
And in His loving hands, we are secure.
For despite the power of evil,
That appears to rule and to reign,
Our heavenly Father is omnipotent
And His ultimate victory will be our gain.
For through the blood of Jesus Christ,
The price was paid at Calvary
To atone for mankind’s sin and debt
And from eternal death to set us free.
And as we trust His saving grace,
Commit our lives into His care,
Through the Holy Spirit’s indwelling power
His mercy, love and grace we’ll share.
And as we stand on His promises,
Abundant life will be ours to claim,
And in confidence and boldness,
We’ll declare His holy name
From Reflections on God's Promises: Finding Hope in God's Word, © 2022, Doris Haver Rouse.