Fill My Cup
In John 4, Jesus invited the Samaritan woman to drink from His unlimited well and find eternal satisfaction from spiritual thirst. A popular hymn was inspired by this encounter with Jesus and includes these words:
“Like the woman at the well I was seeking
For things that could not satisfy
And then I heard my Savior speaking
‘Draw from my well that never shall run dry.’
Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up, Lord
Come and quench this thirsting in my soul.
Bread of Heaven, feed me ‘till I want no more
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.”
(From “Fill My Cup,” by Richard Blanchard, ©Word Music)
Truth be known, as Christ followers, we all need the life-giving filling power that can only come from Him, through the Holy Spirit, to walk by faith and win the earthly battles we face each day. His filling, at the time of our salvation, is not sufficient to last us throughout life, but rather a daily practice. According to D. L. Moody, we need this daily refilling “because we leak.”
Our problem lies in running “dry,” and not realizing the need to be continually filled. We recognize the need to keep our bodies fed in order to satisfy our nutritional needs, but too often limit our spiritual nourishment to a quick prayer, devotion, or even a Bible selection without taking time to ponder and apply the truths and insights associated with it. The world seeks to entice us to fill our cup with earthly concerns, demands, pleasures, and even acts of service, leaving little time for honest and intimate personal meditation and nurturing, prayerful communion with God. At times we lift up a thimble rather than a cup and then wonder why we run out before the day is done!
For many years, I attended church regularly, read my Bible daily, served, and shared with others, but I lacked the focused personal time with God that is the key to a fruitful and abundant life. It wasn’t until my well ran completely dry that I realized I was filling my cup with good things but not the best thing.
During that season, I began keeping a journal as a means of praying over specific scriptures and seeking to apply them to my life each day. I began using a little book I purchased at a bargain store, Daily Light for Every Day, to guide me in this effort. Since then, I have purchased the same book (by Anne Graham Lotz and published through Thomas Nelson) with selections for both morning and evening reflection. I began writing notes with reference to each selection from various study Bibles, and over the years this approach has helped me to gain a greater knowledge of God and understanding of His Word.
Over time, gleaning truth from these passages and then writing out related prayers (often in poetry form) has given me a new perspective and life-altering insights. This practice required setting priorities that included rising earlier in the day to spend quiet time in prayer and Bible study before my day began. It also meant embracing spontaneous moments of praise and worship and being sensitive to the still quiet voice of the Holy Spirit in developing an attitude of prayer as I sought to “to pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). I am still growing in that respect!
In a culture that worships performance and honors activity, we are busier now than ever. How much richer and fuller would our lives be if we heeded Jesus’ call to ‘seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,” and leave the rest in His care. (Matthew 6:33) Taking time to fill your cup with more of His truth, light, and love will also make you more effective in how you manage the rest of your time. I have also learned that spending time in the Word before going to bed enhances sleep. During this last season of my life, I am discovering I need a bigger cup!
Fatigued discouraged, defeated
I came to God’s throne in prayer;
Humbled, needy and empty,
I sought comfort and encouragement there.
As I pondered His Word and yielded my heart,
I was mindful of His words to me,
And my perspective was altered, my attitude changed.
As His purposes I more clearly could see.
And the burdens that had weighed me down
Were filled as I pondered His care,
And strength and joy were renewed by His grace,
With a greater desire to with others His love share.
Emerging with confidence and purpose realigned,
Having been transformed by His power within,
I was ready to face life’s battles once more
And through His power each battle to win.
From Morning Meditations: Prayers to Begin Your Day, © 2017, Doris Haver Rouse.
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