Prayer and Reflections


Looking in the Rearview Mirror: Lessons Learned While Battling Cancer
Looking back onto my battle with cancer, and reflecting on the years that have followed, I've learned many spiritual truths.
When Prayers Seem Unanswered
Our natural response to something painful or tragic is often, "Why, God?" Acceptance of our circumstances, especially when it seems our prayers are unanswered, requires faith and trust.
Knowing God
Knowing God as a loving, faithful Father and Guardian of our soul is a lifelong challenge. Begin seeking Him today.
New Beginnings: Keeping a Spiritual Journal
Learning to listen to God is not achieved by occasional encounters in prayer or by rushing through a set of verses each day with no real thought or meditation. It is through prayerfully meditating on scripture that we learn to recognize that voice.
Room for Him
Traditions and other activities, while good, have taken priority over worship and reflecting on the One for whom this celebration originated. Unless we take steps to prioritize and discipline ourselves, we will miss the wonder and beauty of it all.
Keeping Thanksgiving
When all appears well, we may feel more thankful, but even then, we tend to take our blessings for granted. Habakkuk 3:17-19 reminds us of God’s provision when we choose to be thankful, even in painful or costly circumstances.
Faith Thrives When Hope Dies
Throughout the Bible are promises that cover every conceivable situation in life, and it is in claiming and trusting these promises that we discover stronger faith amid loss and tragedy.
Fill My Cup
In a culture that worships performance and honors activity, we are busier now than ever. Don't forget to take the time to fill your cup with more of His truth, light, and love.