Prayer and Reflections

Praying God’s Will

'My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways, My ways,' says the Lord.
- Isaiah 55:8

To say our nation is in a state of chaos and confusion is an understatement. Riots in our cities, anarchy in the streets, and the demand for radical changes in the way our country is governed have created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, the likes of which have not been seen in our lifetimes. The need for God to intervene and bring unity to our country again is of grave concern and our only hope.

For those who feel helpless and hopeless, prayer is our greatest weapon against evil and our source of security in insecure times. But the problem lies in knowing how to pray. Even the Christian community is divided politically, with proponents on both sides believing they are acting according to God’s will. Sadly, too many times what we perceive as best is not God’s will but our own limited understanding or desire.

Throughout His ministry, Jesus noted the importance of faith (belief) when we pray. He noted that faith, equivalent to that of a mustard seed, could accomplish the impossible. (Matthew 17:20) Some have interpreted that to mean if we simply believe it, we will have it. On the contrary, on one occasion we find a leper saying, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” To which Jesus replied, "I am willing.” (Matthew 8:2-3)

Submitting our will to God’s will is not easy, especially when facing adversity, persecution, or suffering. Paul prayed three times to have his ‘thorn in the flesh’ removed, but the request was denied because God had a greater purpose in allowing it. Even Jesus struggled with this in the Garden of Gethsemane where he prayed, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

As we prepare to vote in the upcoming election, which will decide the direction our country will take at this crossroads in history, we need more than ever to exercise faith and pray "Your kingdom come, Your will be done" (Matthew 6:10). We must do so earnestly and consistently, in submission and obedience, trusting that God knows best what will further His plan and purpose for our lives individually and as a nation.

Remember the truth of Isaiah 55:8. Then pray, watch, and wait with anticipation to see how God moves and works in the unfolding of His greater plans and purpose.

© 2020, Doris Haver Rouse

From Reflections of God's Faithfulness: In Every Season of Life

“A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

To trust that God is leading
When we cannot see our way,
Requires both faith and action,
With a commitment to obey.
For it is in submission to our plans
To His greater will, that we,
Find His purposes exceed our own
And lead us to His destiny.
And it is in trusting in His way,
His faithfulness in all we face,
That we grow in the reality of His love
And are transformed by His grace.

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in His way," (Psalm 37:23)

Lord, I do not know what lies ahead
Or what paths that I should take,
In order to be true to Your Word,
And live for Your kingdom’s sake.
I do not know what trials will come
To test my love as true,
But seek with mind, and heart, and will,
To stay focused, Lord, on You.
I ask for You to fill me, Lord,
In these moments quiet and still,
And grant me wisdom and clarity
To know and obey Your will.
And as I step out to face the day
In Your power and promised peace,
I’ll be mindful of Your faithfulness
And all doubts and fears will cease.

© 2016, Doris Haver Rouse (used with permission)

For these and other poems of faith, visit
my Amazon page or check elsewhere on this website. 

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